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NASA Telemetry Oscilloscope

This is a very interesting and unique item from the auction house, Sotheby's, which was sold for $4,400 in 2021. The telemetry control panel is a Tek RM model oscilloscope manufactured by Tektronix in Portland, Oregon. This vintage model can still function properly, with vertical and horizontal positioning, as well as TRIGGER, SWEEP TIME/CM, and PWR controls. The item has a metal casing, measuring 19 x 181/2 x 71/2 inches, with a total weight of 25.6 pounds of internal electronic equipment.

The front blue and silver sticker displays the NASA serial number "NASA 803221". According to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any individual or organization can submit a FOIA request to NASA, which allows individuals or organizations to obtain relevant documents and information regarding NASA equipment or components based on their NASA serial number.

The history of this telemetry control panel is very interesting. Printed labels "963-3 TLM-LAB" (Telemetry Laboratory) and "General Dynamics Corvair Measurement Control" indicate that this instrument was used in Hangar J at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base during the early days of human space exploration. In this building, Atlas missiles were modified into space launch vehicles, carrying Mercury spacecraft. The telemetry receivers were located in the garage during Atlas missions that sent the first four Americans into orbit. General Dynamics' Convair division designed and built Atlas, and they were responsible for telemetry.

Oscilloscopes (often called O-Scopes) display charts of voltage changes over time. Engineers use them for testing to monitor signals and verify the correct functioning of electrical hardware, voltage levels, and proper timing differences. Based on the manufacturing date, this telemetry control panel may have been used in the early/mid-70s SkyLab, the late 70s/early 80s Space Shuttle era, or the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. The primary use of the telemetry control panel was to troubleshoot ground systems supporting the aforementioned flights in mission control or it may have been used in related NASA labs responsible for flight hardware testing.

Given its history and uniqueness, the value of this telemetry control panel may continue to increase in the future.

这是一个非常有趣和独特的来自苏富比拍卖行的拍品,在2021年以4400美元的价格成交。这个遥测控制面板是一个泰克 RM 型示波器,由俄勒冈州波特兰泰克制造。这个老式型号仍然可以正常工作,拥有垂直和水平定位,以及 TRIGGER、SWEEP TIME/CM、PWR 控件。该拍品是金属外壳,19 X 181/2 X 71/2 英寸,内部电子设备总重量为 25.6 磅。

正面的蓝色和银色贴纸上写着NASA序列号“ NASA 803221 ”。根据信息自由法 (FOIA),任何个人或组织可以向 NASA 提交FOIA请求,其允许个人或组织根据NASA序列号获得NASA设备或部件的相关文件和信息。

这个遥测控制面板的历史非常有意思。印刷的“963-3 TLM-​​LAB”(遥测实验室)和“General Dynamics Corvair Measurement Control”标签表明,在人类太空探索的早期,该仪器曾用于卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的 Hangar J。在这座建筑中,阿特拉斯导弹被改装成太空运载火箭,并附有水星飞船。在将前四名美国人送入轨道的阿特拉斯任务期间,遥测接收器位于机库 J。通用动力公司的康维尔分部设计并建造了阿特拉斯,他们负责遥测。

示波器(通常称为 O-Scopes)显示电压随时间变化的图表。工程师使用它们进行测试以监控信号并验证电气硬件的正确功能、电压电平和正确的时序差异。根据制造日期,该遥测控制面板可能曾用于 70 年代初/中期的天空实验室、70 年代末/80 年代初的航天飞机时代,或 1975 年发射的阿波罗-联盟测试项目。遥测控制面板的主要用途是在任务控制中对支持上述飞行的地面系统进行故障排除,或者它可以用于负责飞行硬件测试的相关 NASA 实验室。



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